
StudB-Stelle (Student Assistant)

Beginn: 15.08.2024
Beschäftigungszeitraum: 24 Mon.
Arbeitszeit: 40 Stunden/Mon.
Vergütung: € 13,69/Std.
Kennziffer: 2112/23/2024
Bewerbungsfrist: 22.07.-09.08.2024

Aufgabengebiet: Mitarbeit im Fachgebiet Molekulare Genetik, Vorbereitung u. Mitwirkung bei Lehrveranstaltungen
Anforderungen: Studium einer für das Aufgabengebiet einschlägigen Fachrichtung, Biologie/Biochemie; Kenntnisse der gängigen Office-Programme; Erfahrungen mit Fluoreszenzmikroskopie; erwünscht sind Kenntnisse in der molekularbiologischen Analyse von Pflanzen.

Bitte senden Sie Bewerbungen in 1 PDF unter Angabe der o.g. Kennziffer bis 09.08.2024 an Prof. Schmitz-Linneweber:



This position has been filled.

SHK-Stelle (Student Assistant)

Beginn: 01.01.2024 oder früher
Beschäftigungszeitraum: 24 Mon.
Arbeitszeit: 40 Stunden/Mon.
Vergütung: € 13,01/Std.
Kennziffer: 2112/23/2023
Bewerbungsfrist: 05.10.-26.10.2023

Aufgabengebiet: Mitarbeit im Fachgebiet Molekulare Genetik, Vorbereitung u. Mitwirkung bei Lehrveranstaltungen
Anforderungen: Studium einer für das Aufgabengebiet einschlägigen Fachrichtung, Biologie/Biochemie; Kenntnisse der gängigen Office-Programme; Erfahrungen mit der Arbeit an transgenen Pflanzen; erwünscht sind Erfahrungen mit optogenetischen Methoden.

Bitte senden Sie Bewerbungen unter Angabe der o.g. Kennziffer bis 26.10.2023 an Prof. Schmitz-Linneweber:



This position has been filled.

SHK-Stelle (Student Assistant)

Beginn: Mai 2021
Beschäftigungszeitraum: 24 Mon.
Arbeitszeit: 40 Stunden/Mon.
Vergütung: € 12,68/Std.
Kennziffer: 2112/03/2021
Bewerbungsfrist: 01.03.-15.03.2021

Aufgabengebiet: Mitarbeit im Fachgebiet Molekulare Genetik, Vorbereitung u. Mitwirkung bei Lehrveranstaltungen
Anforderungen: Studium einer für das Aufgabengebiet einschlägigen Fachrichtung, Biologie/Biochemie; Kenntnisse der gängigen Office-Programme; wünschenswert wären Erfahrungen mit der molekularen Analyse von Pflanzen, sowie mit der Analyse von Nukleinsäure.

Bitte senden Sie Bewerbungen unter Angabe der o.g. Kennziffer bis 15.03.2021 an Prof. Schmitz-Linneweber:



This position has been filled.

Postdoc position (m/f/d)

Subject: Plant RNA Biology

Humboldt University invites applications for a Postdoc position in the collaborative research centre “The green hub – Central coordinator of acclimation in plants”, on the project

Chloroplast Ribonucleoprotein CP29A – stabilizing chloroplast RNA pools during cold acclimation responses.

Bild zur Postdoc-Ausschreibung

The project is funded by the German Research Foundation (DFG) and is carried out in close collaboration with teams at the MPI in Golm, the LMU in Munich and the TU in Kaiserslautern.

The successful applicant will investigate the temporal dynamics of chloroplast gene expression after changing temperature conditions. He/she will examine how RNA turnover is affected in the cold using ERIC-Seq in various mutant backgrounds and will analyse RNA binding patterns of selected RNA binding proteins in the cold using CLIP techniques. This will be paralleled by functional studies of liquid-liquid phase separation behaviour of individual chloroplast proteins.

The work builds on a previous project that demonstrated the importance of chloroplast RNA binding proteins for cold resistance of Arabidopsis thaliana and provides a unique opportunity for elucidating the quantitative role of chloroplast RNA processing and stabilisation for the biogenesis of the photosynthetic apparatus. The project will be conducted in close cooperation with PhD students and researchers within the collaborative research centre. Close interactions are expected with (i) the groups of Dr. Reimo Zoschke at the MPI in Golm on ribosome profiling and (ii) the group of Prof. Dr. Dario Leister on the photosynthetic performance of selected mutants.

Your profile:
  • an Excellent PhD degree in biochemistry, biology or a related field,
  • a strong interest in RNA biology and / or plant molecular biology,
  • experience in conducting independent molecular research,
  • good knowledge of statistical data analysis and ideally bioinformatics skills,
  • excellent written and oral communication skills in English (knowledge of German is not mandatory).
We offer:
  • Salary and benefits according to a public service position in Germany (E 13 TV-L HU, 100%),
  • 2-year contract, starting in June 2022.

Humboldt University supports equal opportunity of men and women, and therefore strongly invites women to apply. Equally qualified handicapped applicants will be given preference. The place of employment will be Berlin, Germany. The employer is Humboldt University Berlin.

Please submit your full application (including a 1-page cover letter describing your motivation to apply, a CV together with relevant certificates, a summary of your PhD thesis and contact details of 2 potential referees) as a single PDF (quoting “Kennziffer: [t.b.a.]) to Prof. Christian Schmitz-Linneweber by 4th June 2022 by e-mail:

For scientific enquiries, please contact Prof. Dr. Christian Schmitz-Linneweber by phone: +49-(0)30-2093-49700
or by e-mail:



This position has been filled.

SHK-Stelle (Student Assistant)

Beginn: Januar 2022
Beschäftigungszeitraum: 24 Mon.
Arbeitszeit: 40 Stunden/Mon.
Vergütung: € 12,68/Std.
Kennziffer: 2112/31/2021
Bewerbungsfrist: 05.11.-19.11.2021

Aufgabengebiet: Mitarbeit im Fachgebiet Molekulare Genetik, Vorbereitung u. Mitwirkung bei Lehrveranstaltungen
Anforderungen: Studium einer für das Aufgabengebiet einschlägigen Fachrichtung, Biologie/Biochemie; Kenntnisse der gängigen Office-Programme; wünschenswert wären Erfahrungen mit der molekularen Analyse von Pflanzen, sowie von Nukleinsäure, sowie Erfahrungen mit der Zellkulturpflege und im Umgang mit dem Mikroskop.

Bitte senden Sie Bewerbungen unter Angabe der o.g. Kennziffer bis 19.11.2021 an Prof. Schmitz-Linneweber:



This position has been filled.

SHK-Stelle (Student Assistant)

Beginn: Mai 2021
Beschäftigungszeitraum: 24 Mon.
Arbeitszeit: 40 Stunden/Mon.
Vergütung: € 12,68/Std.
Kennziffer: 2112/03/2021
Bewerbungsfrist: 01.03.-15.03.2021

Aufgabengebiet: Mitarbeit im Fachgebiet Molekulare Genetik, Vorbereitung u. Mitwirkung bei Lehrveranstaltungen
Anforderungen: Studium einer für das Aufgabengebiet einschlägigen Fachrichtung, Biologie/Biochemie; Kenntnisse der gängigen Office-Programme; wünschenswert wären Erfahrungen mit der molekularen Analyse von Pflanzen, sowie mit der Analyse von Nukleinsäure.

Bitte senden Sie Bewerbungen unter Angabe der o.g. Kennziffer bis 15.03.2021 an Prof. Schmitz-Linneweber:



This position has been filled.

PhD Position (m/w/d)

Subject: Pentatricopeptide repeat proteins as modulators of chloroplast translation and RNA stability during temperature acclimation

For our project to investigate the role of RNA-binding proteins in temperature acclimation in plant organelles we are looking for a highly-motivated PhD student in the dept. of Molecular Genetics, starting at the earliest 1st September 2020.

Image for DR/116/20

Your tasks:

Research in the project “Pentatricopeptide repeat (PPR) proteins as modulators of chloroplast translation and RNA stability during temperature acclimation”. Among them:

  • performing genetic and biochemical analyses to understand the influence of PPR proteins on RNA stability and translation during temperature acclimation;
  • absolute quantification of PPR proteins under temperature acclimation;
  • transcriptome analysis of knock-out mutants during temperature acclimation;
  • RNA structure analysis during temperature acclimation;
  • quantification of RNA binding affinity of PPR proteins under different temperatures;
  • and publication of the project results.

For more information on our projects and related publications visit our lab page:

Your profile:
  • M.Sc. degree in biological sciences, biochemistry or a related field
  • Experience in molecular biology techniques
  • Very good communication skills
  • Ability to organize and prioritize work efficiently
  • an affinity to use bioinformatics are of advantage.
We offer:
  • Top level interdisciplinary research at an excellence university, which enjoys the highest reputation within Germany as well as internationally
  • Close collaborations with internationally recognized scientists within the framework of the collaborative research center TRR 175: “The Green Hub” (
  • A highly motivated, international team of PhD students and PostDocs
  • Training in molecular biology techniques and basic bioinformatics (NGS data analysis)
  • 4-year contract / 65% TV-L E13

Please send your full application (in one PDF), quoting “Kennziffer: DR/116/20”, to Dr. Hannes Ruwe by 9th August 2020:



This position has been filled.

PhD Position (m/w/d)

Subject: The role of RNA turnover in plant stress response

As part of the project The role of RNA turnover in plant stress response, we are looking for a motivated PhD student in the dept. of Molecular Genetics, starting approx. 1st June 2020.



Your tasks:

Research in the transdisciplinary project “The role of RNA turnover in plant stress response”.
Among them:

  • performing genetic and biochemical analyses to understand RNA degradation in organelles of higher plants;
  • isolation and analysis of RNase mutants in Arabidopsis thaliana;
  • direct measurement of RNA degradation in mutants of various RNA binding proteins and RNases using ERIC-Seq;
  • microscopic analysis (STED) of RNA degradation domains;
  • collaboration with partners within the project for structural elucidation of chloroplastid RNA binding proteins;
  • and publication of the project results.


Your profile:
  • Excellent M.Sc. degree in biological sciences or related field
  • Very good communication skills
  • Ability to organize and prioritize work efficiently
We offer:
  • Top level interdisciplinary research at an excellence university, which enjoys the highest reputation within Germany as well as internationally
  • 3-year contract

Please send your full application, quoting “Kennziffer: DR/054/20 “, to Prof. Christian Schmitz-Linneweber by 31st March 2020:



  This position has been filled.

SHK-Stelle (Student Assistant)

Beginn: Nov. 2019
Beschäftigungszeitraum: 24 Mon.
Arbeitszeit: 40 Stunden/Mon.
Vergütung: € 12,50/Std.
Kennziffer: 2112/18/19
Bewerbungsfrist: 20.08.-11.10.2019

Aufgabengebiet: Mitarbeit im Fachgebiet Molekulare Genetik, Vorbereitung u. Mitwirkung bei Lehrveranstaltungen
Anforderungen: Studium einer für das Aufgabengebiet einschlägigen Fachrichtung, Biologie/Biochemie; Kenntnisse der gängigen Office-Programme; Erfahrungen mit der Analyse von Nukleinsäure; wünschenswert wären Erfahrungen mit der molekularen Analyse von Pflanzen.

Bitte senden Sie Bewerbungen unter Angabe der o.g. Kennziffer bis 10.09.2019 an Prof. Schmitz-Linneweber:



  This position has been filled.

PhD Position (m/w/d)

Subject: Targets and functions of the chloroplast ribonucleoproteins CP33A and CP33B

As part of the DFG priority program 1935:  Deciphering the mRNP code: RNA-bound determinants of post-transcriptional gene regulation, we are looking for a motivated PhD student in the Department of Molecular Genetics starting approx. 1st December 2019. In this project, novel high throughput techniques like eCLIP or metabolic labelling of RNA will be employed to analyze two chloroplast-localized RNA binding proteins.


Chloroplast cp33a and cp33b

Your tasks:
  • Identify binding sites of CP33A and CP33B using iCLIP and RIP-Seq
  • Analyse the impact of CP33A and CP33B on RNA turnover using metabolic labeling and super-throughput sequencing of chloroplast RNAs
  • Perform genetic and biochemical analyses to understand, which RNase is the antagonist of CP33A and CP33B
  • Analyze the function of RNA granules containing CP33A using high-resolution fluorescence microscopy
  • Cooperation with Partners in the Priority Program
  • Scientific publication of the project results

References: Plant J. 2017 Feb; 89(3):472-485. doi: 10.1111/tpj.13396.; Plant Cell. 2012 Oct;24(10):4266-80. DOI:

Your profile:
  • Excellent M.Sc. degree in biological sciences or related field
  • Very good communication skills
  • Ability to organize and prioritize work efficiently
We offer:
  • Top level interdisciplinary research at an excellence university, which enjoys the highest reputation within Germany as well as internationally
  • 3-year contract

Please send your full application, quoting “Kennziffer: DR/177/19”, to Prof. Christian Schmitz-Linneweber by 16th October 2019: